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Alumni Lead Score Explained

The Alumni Lead Score in Bear IQ helps you prioritize event prospects by categorizing them into weak, mild, and strong groups. This score is driven by three critical metrics: historical loyalty, event recency, and registration timing. Understanding these factors allows you to target and convert high-potential prospects strategically. Ensure you're comfortable navigating the Bear IQ dashboard before diving in.

Tip: Update your outreach strategies based on refreshed data to maintain a competitive edge.

Key moments to look out for:

  • Delving into historical loyalty to identify potential strong prospects

  • Evaluating event recency to focus on recent attendees

  • Analyzing registration timing for optimal targeting

Heads up: The Alumni Lead Score dynamically updates with new data, so check it regularly for the latest insights.

Exploring Features


Historical Loyalty

Utilize the Alumni Lead Score in the Prospect Viewer to identify prospects with a strong pattern of event registration across previous years. High loyalty registrants are prime candidates for conversion and should be prioritized in your outreach efforts. Those who have registered consistently year after year fall into the Strong category, highlighting a commitment to the event. In contrast, prospects who have taken breaks between registrations or are relatively new are placed in the Mild group, indicating potential for growth with the right engagement. Individuals with low historical loyalty, who register infrequently over the years, are categorized as Weak and may need targeted communication to boost their interest and participation.

Event Recency

Focus on registrants who signed up for last year’s event to gauge their likelihood of returning. Identify those within the Strong group, as their recent registration suggests an ongoing interest and potential for conversion. If a registrant's last engagement was a few years prior, they may fall into the Mild category, suggesting a positive yet less immediate interest. Meanwhile, those whose last recorded registration occurred several years ago are sorted into the Weak group, indicating a need for revitalized outreach to reconnect them with the event.

Registration Timing

Examine registration timing patterns to identify prospects who typically register well in advance but have not yet done so this year. These individuals often belong to the Strong category and might simply need a reminder of the registration deadline. Those who typically register a bit later, closer to the event date but still consistently, may belong in the Mild group, reflecting reliability with a slightly less predictive pattern. Prospects who habitually wait until the last minute to register, or have registered sporadically in past years, are categorized as Weak, indicating an opportunity for proactive communication strategies to prompt earlier engagement and reinforce their connection to the event.

Export and Share

Select specific groups within the Alumni Lead Score, apply relevant filters, and export the list to an Excel file or send via API. Share this refined list with your marketing platforms for targeted engagement.


By focusing on historical loyalty, event recency, and registration timing, you can effectively use the Alumni Lead Score to boost your event conversions.

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